Adventure Sports for People with Disabilities

Adventurous sports for a disabled person

Are you an adventurous person?

And you always wanted to try something adventurous in your life but can’t because of your incapability or disability. In this article, we will try to overcome all your obstacles by giving tips on how you can do all your favorites sports without getting concern for your health.

Often people say that sports and disability cannot go hand in hand that is they are not compatible with each other. But if some precautions are taken and getting helped by professionals, one can do all the activities without getting their health at risk.


Basically there are a group of qualified professionals that are trained to give a shot for people with disability and with their support the disabled one can take participate in all the activities such as skydiving, hiking, bungee jumping, etc.

Such activities are presently considered to be the biggest challenge for disabled ones and are also considered to help them effectively by keeping them fit.

Here are some different types of sports available  for disabled people

Bungee jumping

One of the chilling sports of modern adventure is considered to be Bungee jumping. It is an activity that involves jumping from a great height which is performed at a feature of a natural cliff. The thrilling part is when a person jumps freely and rebounds itself upwards Now with the help of the professionals’ people who are disabled can also do such chilling adventure and can experience the thrill.

River Rafting

River rafting is another adventurous sport for people with disability and It can be done by one including people with limited mobility. Many believe that river rafting cannot be done by disabled people because it’s very risky but there are some people from the southeast who discovered that it’s not wholly true. Don’t be surprised to know that they have also wheelchair van for their customers who are physically disabled and help them in all the ways to do the activity freely in a safe manner. They believe that an animated day in the water is great for the mind, body, and spirit-for disabled and nondisabled person.


In the early stages of 1980s, this sporty adventure was discovered and has become very popular since then. It is easier and comparatively cheaper than other activities and recommends for beginners’ too. Firstly it was difficult for people who can’t see or hear or the one who is unable to use their arms or legs, for such people para-gliding was an impossible activity to try but now as the technology had  increased in the last ten years people who use to think that it is impossible to them and now give it a shot and go through the skies

Sky diving

Just the sound of sky diving can be scary on its own for the normal people then one can imagine for the people who are disabled and are scared of the heights, its way to scarier from them. Even sky diving is falling from a great distance towards the ground. There are certain companies out there that allow the disabled one to participate in the skydiving activity safely with a person along with them out of the plane. There are different methods of skydiving one freely without any instructor and others with the assistance of the instructor which is very common.

Scuba diving

If you think that scuba diving cant is done with a wheelchair then try to see the images that will clear your misconception. There is the man who had tried and succeeds doing scuba diving with a wheelchair So if you think that diving is not for disabled or scuba diving with a disability cannot be done then you have a false view. It requires mastering some of your skills while performing the activity which includes mask clearing, controlling your ascent. Even now there is a wide range of people with disabilities out their who want to try such scuba diving. There are many organizations that take the initiative to help such people and aware of them to learn how to dive with their disability.

Rock climbing

Rock climbing is beneficial  for everyone and had always being fun to experience. Here there are certain instructors available for everyone who will guide the disabled one with excellent skills of interpreting. It basically involves all the climbing days to be fun, chilled and one can feel relax after reaching the desired spot. There are tones to companies out there tom train you and make you experience something that you won’t regret


It is a very common sport and also many disabled people have tried it and got a tag of disabled hikers. Many outdoor organizations have fair representation for the disabled and all the other outdoors people. Disabled hikers had created a project for disabled hikers where they provide them all the necessary information, resources help which they need to know about hiking and help them to enjoy the outdoors with a great experience.

First Aid Concerns

At the end of the sporty day, traveling can be very tiring especially for those who are disabled.So it is always advisable to consult your doctor about the places you are going to visit or about the adventurous sports activities you are taking part in. Take your prescription along with you and if needed take a stock of medicine that you will require in your trip. Share all the details with your doctor so that you can take the safety measures if required in your midway.


Lastly, they are certain tips for you to schedule your vacation

Planning is the primary step for disabled persons.It is best if you plan every detail in advance like how friendly the environment is for you are they disabled friendly and whether they provide all the facilities which you will need. Check whether the hotel or resort you are going to check-in provides the basic services for a disabled one, access to a wheelchair or other vehicles is available on the premises. Remember one thing if you plan your vacation thoroughly, chances increase for your enjoyment.

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