Mobility after amputation due to diabetes

=Mobility after amputation due to diabetes


So, in this article, Mobility after amputation due to diabetes, we will look into this problem thoroughly and put out some solutions which would hopefully be helpful to you.
We have Mobility after amputation due to diabetes section in the last because before we let you know the Mobility after amputation due to diabetes, we want you to go through all the other topics that are necessary to be understood. Here are the sections and topics of this article that we would be covering in this article.

1) About:

a) What is diabetes?
b) What are the types of diabetes?
c) What is amputation?
d) Why do diabetic patients need amputation?

2) Causes:

a) Do all diabetic patients need amputation?
b) Indications of diabetic foot amputation?

3) Preventions and Precautions for amputation:

a) Amputations can be avoided?
b) How to avoid amputations if you have diabetes?
c) Alternatives to Foot Amputation

4) Mobility after amputation due to diabetes:

a) A short brief about rehabilitation
b) Equipment to make your life easier


1) About

a) What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a disease, that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is the main source of energy and comes from the food one eats. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into the cells to be used for energy.

Now what happens at times is that your body
-doesn’t make enough insulin
-or doesn’t make any insulin
-or though the insulin is produced, it is not used well enough.

So, the result of this is that glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells.

Then. overtime, having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems. Although diabetes has no cure, you can still take steps to manage your diabetes and stay healthy.


b) What are the types of diabetes?

The most common types of diabetes that people are affected by are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

  • Type 1 diabetes

So, if you have type 1 diabetes, your body doesn’t make insulin. Now, insulin is very crucial enzyme as it helps the glucose, from the food you eat to enter into your blood to provide energy.
In type 1 diabetes, your immune system attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. Type 1 diabetes  is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear in any age. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin everyday to stay alive.

  • Type 2 diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make insulin or use insulin well. You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. But mostly, this type of diabetes occurs most often in middle-aged and older people. Now, Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes found in majority people who have diabetes.

  • Treatment for Type 2 diabetes:

Treatment for type 2 diabetes typically includes making some changes in your lifestyle. They are diet control, exercise daily, home blood glucose testing, and in some extreme cases – oral medication or insulin may also be required. Of about, 40 percent of people with type 2 diabetes require insulin injections.

  • Gestational diabetes

This, Gestational diabetes develops in some women during the time of pregnancy’s. Mostly, this type of diabetes goes away after the baby is born.
However, one thing to be aware of is that, if you’ve had gestational diabetes, you have a really greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. So it’s always recommended to have a healthy lifestyle.
In some cases, diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy, is actually type 2 diabetes.


c) What is amputation?

Amputation is a major complication of diabetes and a pain that many people need to deal with, be it physically or mentally. Amputation is the surgical removal of all or part of a limb or extremity such as an arm, leg, foot, hand, toe, or finger. Now, there are a number of reasons an amputation may be necessary.
The most common one, is poor blood circulation because of damage or narrowing of the arteries, called peripheral arterial disease. In the absence of proper blood flow, the body’s cells cannot get oxygen and nutrients they need from the bloodstream. As a result of this disturbance in the flow of blood, the affected tissue begins to die and infection might be caused in the area, which could lead to having your limb or a part of limb cut, which is called amputation.


d) Why do diabetic patients need amputation?

Complications of Diabetes can include nerve damage and poor blood circulation. All these problems make your feet vulnerable to skin sores (ulcers), that can further worsen quickly, if not dealt with and taken care of. It is totally important that, when you develop foot ulcers, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible, and get the required medications.
Approximately, more than 80 percent of amputations begin with foot ulcers, making it a very primary reason for amputation. A non-healing ulcer, that is, when the ulcer cannot be healed and it is way more severe, so much so, that it causes severe damage to tissues and bone and the only possible solution to that would be a surgical removal (amputation) of a toe, foot or part of a leg.

Also, in some cases, diabetes can lead to peripheral artery disease (PAD). Now this, PAD causes your blood vessels to narrow and this reduces the blood flow to your legs and feet.
It can also cause severe nerve damage, known as peripheral neuropathy. This would prevent you from feeling any pain. If you can’t feel pain, you will not realize you have a wound or ulcer on your feet and it may infect the whole area. You may continue putting pressure on the affected area, which can cause it to grow and become more infected. The blood flow that is reduced due to the narrowing of blood vessels, can slow wound healing. It also makes your body less effective and less strong, at fighting infection.
As a result of all these, your wound might not heal. Tissue damage or gangrene (It is the death of a body tissue) might occur, and the existing infection has the possibility to spread to your bone.
If this infection cannot be stopped or if the damage is totally irreparable, then amputation would be the only solution with no other option. The most number of common amputations so far, in people with diabetes are the toes, feet, and lower legs.

Click here to read about this: Types of Amputations


2) Causes

a) Do all diabetic patients need amputation?

No. Not everyone with diabetes will have the need for an amputation.
Anyone having diabetes does require or have a need of this procedure. It is most likely caused due to a wound or ulcer that did not heal on the foot or lower leg.
Most of the amputations are progressive, meaning that a doctor will only start by removing the smallest possible amount of tissue.
Then, only if the surgery wound doesn’t heal properly or blood flow doesn’t reach the limb properly at all, they will probably recommend further surgery to remove more tissue and cutting off a part of the limb or maybe full limb would be the last option.


b) Indications of diabetic foot amputation?

All the people with diabetes should always pay extra and close attention to their feet since they are the ones that have very high risk of wounds that wouldn’t heal, and further potentially making amputation the only option.

Here are some of the major signs and symptoms that you should look out for and contact a doctor if you have any of these:

-The Ingrown toe nails
-Blisters – A pocket of fluid formed between the upper layer of skin.
-Athlete’s foot
-An open sore or bleeding
-Swelling and Redness
-Warmth in one area of the foot
-An ulcer that is lasting longer than one to two weeks
-An ulcer that is bigger than 3/4 inch (2 centimeters)
-A sore which doesn’t quickly begin to heal
-An ulcer so deep you can see the bone underneath the skin
-warmth in only one area of the foot
-discoloration of the skin

If in case, any of these symptoms are present, you should speak to your doctor immediately to determine the next further process of action. The treatment options would solely depend on how much severe your symptoms are and what is actually causing the issues.
It is very important that a person with diabetes examines their feet regularly to identify possible problems as early as possible, so as prevent further infection. A doctor will always aim to treat the issues before they become too severe.


3) Preventions and Precautions for amputation

a) Amputations can be avoided?

Yes, it can surely be avoided but, if you have diabetes, it’s totally important to take good and healthy care of your feet to lower your risk of amputation. You’re much most likely to avoid your foot amputation if you make your health and your feet a priority. Further in the article there are some points and guidelines given which you should consider for a healthy lifestyle.

Must read! – How to deal with Amputation

b) How to avoid amputations if you have diabetes?

If you have diabetes, high blood pressure, or even high cholesterol, then you must try your best to get it under control.
Next there are a few tips regarding certain aspects, which could help you massively in your healthy practice.

a) Blood sugar maintenance

There are various possible lifestyle factors through which you can definitely manage your blood sugar levels:

    • Try to avoid and reduce stress
    • Always follow a well-balanced diet plan, also consult a good nutritionist for your diet
    • Regular exercise is a must
    • Taking medications and insulin according to a doctor’s recommendations
    • Always maintain a consistent meal and snack schedule, that is, eat at a proper and same time daily
    • Most important is limiting overly sugary foods and drinks
    • Maintaining a healthy weight and blood pressure
    • Keep a check on your blood glucose levels regularly
b) Foot care

To keep your feet as healthy as possible make sure to consider these:

    • Wash them every day and dry them thoroughly.
      Also consider applying a light coating of petroleum jelly to help prevent skin cracking.
    • Trim your toenails straight across, and try not to cut them too short.
    • Wiggling the toes frequently helps to stimulate blood flow.
    • Don’t go barefoot both indoors or outdoors.
    • Wear closed-toe shoes, avoid shoes with pointy toes.
    • If you have any trouble finding comfortable shoes that fit properly, talk to your doctor about prescription diabetic shoes.
    • examining the feet regularly for cuts, bruises, blisters, and scrapes
    • Never remove callouses, bunions, corns, or warts by yourself. Always get assistance from a podiatrist or your doctor.
    • Don’t soak your feet.
    • Moisture between the toes may lead to infection, so try applying cornstarch between your toes to keep the skin dry.
    • Prefer wearing dry socks for sometime in a day.
    • Scheduling and having regular foot examinations.
Some more factors that could lead to amputation. Consider these:
    • Smoking
    • High blood-sugar levels
    • High blood-pressure
    • Poor blood circulation to the extremities
    • Nerve damage in the feet
    • A history of foot-ulcers
    • Vision-impairment or other problems with the eyes
    • Kidney disease


c) Alternatives to Foot Amputation

Even with an infection or wound in your feet that wouldn’t heal, your doctor would not suggest foot amputation to you right away. Depending upon your condition and issues, the doctor might instead suggest:

  • Surgery to clean the wound and remove dead tissue.
  • Antibiotics – given in the hospital through a tu`be into the vein.
  • Amputation of one or more toes.
  • A surgery called revascularization, that brings new blood flow to your foot.


4) Mobility after amputation due to diabetes

Finally we have, Mobility after amputation due to diabetes here!

a) A short brief about rehabilitation

Okay, firstly, people with amputation should attend a proper rehabilitation program as early as possible because it helps you to make yourself adaptive to your body and gives you the strength and confidence.
Rehabilitation basically includes exercises for general conditioning and exercises to stretch the hip and knee and to strengthen all arm and leg muscles.

b) Equipment to make your life easier

Even though, you had no other option rather than having amputation, all thanks to technology, there are a number of equipments available and all these helps you in your daily life and make your life more comfortable and easy.

Highly recommended article on Types of Wheelchairs

– Wheelchair

Now, there a different types of wheelchairs out there. Not all users will be comfortable with one type of wheelchair. Their is a wide variety of wheelchairs, differing from their mechanisms of control, and also the technology used. Your selection of type of wheel chair that you want must be based upon your physical and environmental needs. The most appropriate wheelchair for you would be the one that could provide you good safety and is comfortable.
Now, what does it mean when I say that you must go for a wheelchair that fulfils your physical and environmental needs?
It means the wheelchair that allows you totally to be mobile, healthy and participate in the community, so that you don’t feel left out.

Why should you be using wheelchairs?

  1. To avoid being bedridden all the time and to avoid immobility
  2. Prevent any further complications
  3. For being involved in your community and  not being alone
  4. It generally increases the opportunity for education, employment, and social interaction.

Also, for patients with limited mobility, a slide board may be used to transfer from bed to wheelchair or to a car.


– Early Walking Aid (EWA)

Early Walking Aid is a socket, is temporary and is made of an inflated bag, and is supported by a metallic frame with padded safety rings with a prosthetic or rocker foot.

EWA is used in patient assessment and to basically start the treatment. Another important point to be noted is that, this helps in the rehabilitation process by assisting in the trainings and it also facilitates prosthesis fitting.

The types of EWA are:

  1. Pneumatic using airbags.
  2. Vacuum Technique as LIC Tulip.
  3. Local Variations.
  4. Preformed Plastic Socket as LIC Femorett, LIC LEMA, and Hexi lite temporary patellar tendon Weight-bearing.

Uses of EWA:

  1. Helps to improve balance
  2. Improves body posture and sensory integration
  3. The pressure given by the airbag also helps to decrease pain in the amputed leg.


– Walking aids

This is useful to most of the amputees, as it provides the support for walking. Walking aids are used both temporarily and permanently. This will help you control your body and also compensate for the lack of balance, and most of all, it decreases the risk of falling.


– Prosthetics

So, what is prosthesis?
If you are missing an arm and leg, an artificial limb can replace it. Prosthesis is the device which can help you perform daily activities such as walking. Some artificial limbs let you function nearly as well as how you did before.

Now, there is prosthetic prescription. This is a multidisciplinary process. During this process, your prosthetist and physiotherapist decides on selection of the type of device that actually should be fabricated and also the socket design, selection about the types of components and the choice of suspension. These are very crucial for the further rehabilitation process.


– Custom silicone prosthesis – toes and partial feet

This is another equipment which is really very useful. When you have had an amputation for only a part of your limb just like the ones above, you can actually replace them with the above prosthesis.


Thank you for reading through this article of Mobility after amputation due to diabetes, hope this piece of content adds value to you.

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